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Fortnightly Club Welcome


It is with great excitement that we announce the forging of the two Fortnightly Clubs in Summit: The Summit Junior Fortnightly Club and the Fortnightly Club of Summit!

These two clubs started as one, The Fortnightly Club, in 1893, and split into two clubs in 1932 due to a sizable membership and a desire for the younger members to have their own group. Nearly ninety years later, we have reunited the two clubs, while keeping our mission to serve our surrounding communities, with a focus on improving the welfare of women and children.

The fundraising, projects, and activities that are near and dear to our hearts will continue. And with the combination of manpower, we can make a more of a difference. The Summit Junior Fortnightlies will recognize Adopt-A-Class, Spelling Bee, SHIP cooking, etc., and the Fortnightlies will be familiar with fundraising for our Scholarships, special events, Book Club and so much more. In the late Spring we are hoping to get back to the theater – we will keep you posted.

We are also looking to try new things! For example, we have a member who is excited to put some day trips on the calendar, and would love some help if you’re interested. And as you saw with our combined Ladies Night Out (LNO) on June 10, our LNOs are being held in person again! Mark your calendars because our next one will be held Thursday, July 22nd at 7:00pm at Twin Maples.

Stay tuned as we continue to plan the upcoming year. Our Welcome Back coffee will be held Friday, September 10th at 9:00am, and a potluck will be Wednesday, September 22nd. Book club will have its first meeting on Thursday, September 23rd at 1:00pm.

We hope you will join us in this new venture. It is sure to be a lot of fun and offer opportunities for friend raising, fundraising, and community projects.


Terry Andrews, Monica Boyd, and Kate Morrison


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