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President's Letter

Greetings Ladies,

I am happy to report that we have nine new members. While many service organizations and clubs are losing members, WE ARE GAINING. Please take a moment to review our list of new members and be on the lookout for them at any of our numerous activities. We started the year with a successful New Members coffee, and I hope that it helped to make these ladies feel special and included. Thank you Veronica Bonnet for hosting! In October I hosted a Ladies Night Out that was held in the evening to include our working members.

We once again have a very busy calendar, and I hope that you will find a few things that interest you. We are continuing with our monthly general meetings, but will be switching them up by offering an evening meeting, another coffee and a month off in January. If you would like to suggest an event or speaker please feel free to let our program chair Veronica Bonnet know.

This year is our 125th year as a club! We are planning a Birthday Bash Celebration for Saturday, April 6th. We envision a fun event to celebrate our 125 years – NOT A FUNDRAISER. We would love some fresh ideas to make this a real shindig, so consider joining our committee!

Thank you to the board for all your hard work to create programming we all enjoy, and to all of our members who help make the Fortnightly Club a growing and thriving organization.

Do yourself a favor and try something new that is offered, you may end up with a new friend, a new recipe, a new outfit or a new hobby. I love being a part of this organization. Let’s keep up the good work!!


Terry Andrews, President


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